If you want to get into drones but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place!

Welcome to my blog, this is the first article! I thought I’d make it useful. We’re going to talk about the best drones for beginners. You’ve never flown one, or maybe played around and you’re ready to get in the game. Here’s what to look for.

Best drones for beginners

I’m Jeremy Morgan, and I was curious about drones for years. It wasn’t until I actually flew one that I got hooked. I have become mildly obsessed with them since. I’ve been flying for a few months, I got my part 107, and I’m racking up a ton of hours. I’ve flown nearly every single day since I got started. But enough about me, let’s talk about you.

What do you want to do?

This is the most important question before purchasing a drone. What do you actually want to do with it? Be realistic.

After that you need to ask what you’re willing to spend. That’s how I’m going to set up this list. Good, Better, and Best depending on your budget.

Do you want to goof around and make cool videos of sunsets? Do real estate stuff? Zip around and do power loops and fly down chimneys? This is important.

Camera Drones VS FPV

This is a great time to bring up the two known genres of drones today. There are camera drones which hover and zoom around slowly making smooth cinematic footage drifting over stuff. Then there are FPV drones that do flips and loops and rip around like crazy. They’re two entirely different things. They are both very cool but require different kinds of drones, and different skill sets.

Camera Drones

Camera drones are a very common “first timer” drone. You go to Best Buy and grab a DJI Mavic and quickly find out it basically flies itself. It hovers on it’s own and flies around and creates awesome shots. It doesn’t do loop de loops or dive down a waterfall, but it makes for cool shots. It’s also used as a tool for hundreds of industries.

  • Good: Easy to get started, cinematic shots, great photos
  • Bad: No loop de loops or whipping around playground equipment. Here are some great beginner drones:


Best Drones for Beginners - DJI Mini 2

  • DJI Mini 2 $499 Excellent, inexpensive, easy to use.


Best Drones for Beginners - DJI Mini 3 Pro


Best Drones for Beginners - DJI Air2S

  • DJI Air 2S $1274 Great image sensor, better stability, great battery life.

FPV Drones

These are the drones you see “whipping” around quickly doing stunts. They can go up a building, or down a waterfall. They can do power loops, fly upside down, and generally do whatever you want them to. You can race them with other people, and do fun stuff.

  • Good: Loop de loops. High speeds. Unique angles
  • Bad: Very hard to get started, most of them you build yourself (that could be a good for some people). Not great for cinema shots or photography.

The best bet with FPV is to build your own. However, there are some ready to fly kits out there to get you started.


Best Drones for Beginners - Emax Tinyhawk 2



Which one do I choose?

This depends entirely on you. Neither choice is “better” than the other. If you want to do stunts and cool tricks, don’t try it with a Mavic. Go with an FPV. If you want to take real estate photos and videos, don’t use an FPV.

Here’s a good way to determine the drone you should look for:

I want to:

  • Take cool photos
  • Do cinematic videos gliding over things
  • Do work (Real Estate, Search and Rescue, Mapping)

You should get a camera drone.

I want to:

  • Do swooping, cinematic shots (at angles other than horizon)
  • Do indoor videos exploring rooms
  • Follow rivers, glide around nature

You should get a Cinewhoop.

I want to:

  • Race against other drones
  • Do stunts, gaps, flips, etc.
  • Go really fast through obstacles

You should get an FPV.

It all depends on your use case, and I hope this clears up some questions you might have.

Where can I find more information?

There are tons of places to go, for general camera drone stuff, I like:

For FPV information, I like to go here:


I hope this helps you answer the question: What are the best drones for beginners? I also hope it helps you choose what type of drone to look for in the first place.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Happy Flying!